I put the strawberry picture up to remind me of what I have to look forward to in the spring. Have to have something delightful to look at since it's gray and gloomy outside. We missed the major blizzard, with its two feet of snow that blanketed Baltimore and DC. We were fortunate to just get rain and keep our power. That's enough winter for my taste. After all, this is North Carolina!
Grandchild spent the night last night. She went to bed easily, but woke up at 1:30 a.m. and wouldn't go back to sleep. I sat next to her bed, rocked her in my lap, and finally gave up at 3:30 a.m. and brought her into our bed. It was deja vu - her mother used to climb in bed with us when she was little.
I picked up a book at the local used bookstore - Julia Cameron's, "The Writing Diet: Write Yourself Right-Size." Perhaps it will help me get started on taking off the weight that I've re-gained. Her theory, and I feel she's right, is that there is an underlying emotional cause for over-eating. Cameron asks the question, "What if I gave myself food for thought instead of food itself?... If I can write about something, I can handle it - and often with grace." How right she is.
One of my main ways of dealing with issues in my life is to write about them. I've kept a journal for many years, working through the problems in my life. That's what this blog feels like - my journal. I guess it is, although, like my journal, nobody reads it. That probably has more to do with the fact that I haven't told anyone I'm blogging. I keep wondering if someone will accidentally stumble upon my musings, but there are so many blogs out there that the odds of that happening seem pretty slim.
There are a lot of weight-loss blogs on the Internet. Starting one of my own seems kind of silly. It makes more sense to continue my "Daily Reflections," and see if by chance someone comes across it. Should I decide to write with a definite audience in mind, then I'll have to focus more closely on what I write. Then too, I'll have to carefully censor what I write. I do that anyway in case I decide to open my thoughts to friends and relatives.
There's a lot of dumping of thoughts on Facebook, but the posts are short and sometimes silly. There isn't room for reflection, but it isn't designed for that. FB is a social networking site, and it's been fun seeing what people are up to. I've enjoyed re-connecting with old friends and classmates. The blog, however, is where I can probe more deeply into my own thoughts, questioning what is making me tick.
Right now, however, my ticking is running pretty slow and I think I'll go take a nap.
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