The Heart Association's campaign is near and dear to my heart - literally. As a person who has had a mild heart attack and now has a stent holding open one artery, research is important to me. Hubby has an artificial valve, so heart research is doubly important in this family.
I urge anyone who reads this blog to support the American Heart Association and give generously to its cause. Many people don't realize that heart disease is the No. 1 killer of both men and women in the country. With all the publicity about women and breast cancer, most people think that breast cancer is the greatest problem women face. Not true; its heart disease. So, do all you can to stay heart healthy. East right, exercise, know your numbers: cholesterol, blood pressure, and triglycerides. Keep them low and stay healthy.
Today was the Greensboro celebration of Chinese New Year at the Cultural Cente
r. It's the year of the tiger, and the colorful Lion Dance welcomed the new year in. Chinese music and dancers entertained an appreciative audience, and a Chinese buffet was available for lunch. It was a great opportunity for very colorful photos.
Greensboro is filled with interesting activities. Next weekend is the Seafest at the Natural Science Center. Children will be able to see creatures that live in the oceans, and taste exotic seafood. Should be a fun day.
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