to brighten up my day.
The skies outside are leaden
Overcast and gray.
I always written poetry - not a lot, but I try it once in a while. Maybe I'll try posting some of them here. Not sure anyone will ever see them, but why not?
The picture was takens along the Profile Trail up at Grandfather Mountain. It'll be a while before I can get back up there. Love to see what Grandfather is like during winter, but I don't have a dependable car. Oh well...back to poetry. Here's an old one...
Dream --
Specks dancing in a beam
of window light
I reach ... they scatter
Floating off fingertips
Again and again.
I reach -- hoping
Fingers touch emptiness
I close the blind.
Dulcimer --
Dulcimer tune
Hummable ditty
Speaks in a language
Not heard in the city
Music of the mountains
Filled with heartache and joy
Telling a tale of love
Time and distance don't destroy.
Me --
I'm not the me I planned to be
I'm not the me I want to be
I'm not the me that others see
But I'm working on the me I need to be.
Oh enough of my corny poetry for tonight.
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